081 calculations

James Carlson carlsonj at workingcode.com
Thu Apr 16 09:03:29 EDT 2009

Bob McAloon writes:
>     I was away from my computer yesterday so I apologize for being late to comment...  Neither plane is really attractive to me at the prices discussed and I don't see the prices dropping enough to interest me so at this point I think I'm going to bow out gracefully.  I would rather wait for a plane that suits me than settle...  I thank you all for the hard work you've done and have enjoyed meeting you. I'm sure I'll be seeing you again in the near future and would love to fly with any of you... you're a good bunch of people. 

I think several of us might be leaning in that direction as well;
we'll be flying this thing a lot and over a long period of time, so
settling doesn't feel right.  It's unclear to me which way we'll go

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James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carlsonj at workingcode.com>

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