
James Carlson carlsonj at
Sat Apr 11 09:45:34 EDT 2009

Todd Brooks writes:
> 2. I guess I misunderstood the $40-50-60k survey.  I didn't realize that we were planning to ask the potential members this so soon.  I thought that was for our situational decision making.  

Sooner is better than later, I think.  We need to narrow the set of
choices we could make, and one of the ways to do that is to see how
many members the club would have with each choice.

If we go with the $40K end, and nobody signs up because the plane
itself lacks needed features, then the club is over.  If we go with
the $60K end, and the cost is too much, then we'll have too few people
to make a go of it.

We need to know exactly where the sweet spot is with *this* group of
people.  The survey we're talking about will do that.

> I wouldn't ask the rest of them that right now, personally.  The first plane purchase should really be up to us.

I agree with that second sentence, but not the first.  In order to
figure out what sort of plane to pursue, we need to know what area to
shop in.

> 2. Do you prefer High Wings or Low Wings?  

That's an important thing that was left out.  I think it's actually
one of a set of potentially important things that we should ask:

  Are any of the following deal-breakers for you?

    - Low wing
    - High wing
    - Complex (constant speed prop and/or retract)
    - High performance
    - Steam gauges
    - Glass
    - 2 seat
    - 4 seat

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carlsonj at>

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