Saturday meeting with Tim

James Carlson carlsonj at
Sun Apr 12 16:58:37 EDT 2009

rhirving at writes:
> Tim's personal guarantee isn't going to happen. If Bill Eason approves, EE might take a note from us for cost of new engine and squawks. Key word is might. We would still need to come up with the 18k they owe on the note initially. 

Perhaps one useful thing we could do would be to schedule a time when
Bill and Tim could meet with the rest of us -- to allow us to come to
a better understanding on what options are and aren't available.

On a slightly different note, I put another 0.8 on 976's Hobbs this
morning working on managing wind.  ;-}

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carlsonj at>

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