081 calculations

Steve Gordon steve at media-phile.com
Thu Apr 16 02:17:46 EDT 2009

I vote yes on 081 at this cost structure.


From: eefc-core-bounces at workingcode.com
[mailto:eefc-core-bounces at workingcode.com] On Behalf Of Bob Irving
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 11:21 PM
To: 'Eagle East Flying Club Core Team'
Subject: RE: 081 calculations


Ok - correction


15 members

Initial cost= 1500

Monthly = 60

Hourly = 65



I'm not sure that everyone has your latest version of the spreadsheet but
it's easy to correct. Your version also assumes we will go the full 400 hrs
before needing a new engine.


From: eefc-core-bounces at workingcode.com
[mailto:eefc-core-bounces at workingcode.com] On Behalf Of Steve Gordon
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 10:39 PM
To: 'Eagle East Flying Club Core Team'
Subject: RE: 081 calculations


I got different numbers from the spreadsheet.  See attached (at 15 members).
The numbers I came up with (not rounded) are as follows:


One Time Cost:


Monthly Dues:


Rate Per Hour:





From: eefc-core-bounces at workingcode.com
[mailto:eefc-core-bounces at workingcode.com] On Behalf Of Bob Irving
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 9:31 PM
To: 'Eagle East Flying Club Core Team'
Subject: 081 calculations


In very round numbers 081 would cost as follows; This assumes we plan for a
20,000 overhaul very soon. probably within the first year.

Please carefully check my numbers using the calculator and let me know if
you are interested or not interested. No sense prolonging the agony or


10 members

Initial = 2600

Monthly = 100

Hourly = 75


15 members

Initial = 1800

Monthly = 70

Hourly = 75



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