considering end of virtual meetings

James Carlson carlsonj at
Sat Feb 22 16:43:17 EST 2025

I've filed the SPANS entries for the March meetings and will be holding 
both meetings as previously planned, but I'm considering dropping the 
virtual meetings going forward to April and beyond.

Our first virtual IMC Club meeting was April 8th, 2020 via Webex. In the 
past five years, I've run 59 extra monthly meetings, with this next one 
being the 60th. I think that may be enough. Almost all of the other 
chapters have stopped virtual meetings, although there is still one 
virtual IMC Club meeting run from San Diego that's conveniently timed 
for East Coast attendees (9:30PM Eastern). And, of course, I'd be happy 
to help anyone who wants to run a new club meeting, virtual or 
otherwise, or who needs to find a local chapter.

James Carlson     42.703N 71.076W FN42lq08    <carlsonj at>

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